Chaos At Christmas – Episode 42

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Dandy had gone, the camels had gone and so had virtually all the guests. Ferelith got wearily to her feet and stretched herself. As expected, the internal phonelines had been going non-stop with queries and requests.

She had been kept continuously busy, though the final call had made her smile. The light had lit up on the panel in front of her and she had pressed the button. “How may I help you?”

“Is that Ferelith?”

Ferelith frowned. The voice sounded familiar. “It is.”

We have a complaint!

There were giggles at the other end of the line.

“I’m sorry to hear that. May I know the nature of it?”

Holly and Bree’s heads suddenly popped up from the other side of the reception desk, Holly’s phone pressed against her ear.

It’s not fair; we want to stay another week!

They shouted together. “We had such a good time. Thank you, Ferelith!”

“Bye, girls,” she called after them but they were already rushing off, the last of the guests to leave.

Calm descended over the reception area, now empty apart from the staff clearing up. It was broken only by the gentle notes being played by Miss Buckley-Tone on the piano. Erik placed his palms flat on the reception desk and took a long, slow breath. “Perhaps we can look on the whole extraordinary episode as a nightmare which is now blessedly over,” he said in fervent tones.

Ferelith was still grinning as she made her way outside. She found her father standing with Lyle at the top of the steps. “I know that the hotel’s grounds have taken a bit of a hammering over the past week or so,” Lyle was saying. “My plan is to add an extra something on top of my bill which should help Geraint get things quickly back into shape.”

Lionel’s eyes widened in surprise. “That’s very kind of you, Mr Cranford.” Ferelith agreed but she felt that it was typical of Lyle. He was a generous man. The sum he had mentioned was bound to be a significant one.

However, Lyle just waved a dismissive hand. “Not at all. It has been worth every penny. We’ve all had a wonderful time at the Manor.”

“I’m glad to hear it.”

“In fact, we’ve enjoyed ourselves so much, I’ve decided to book up the whole hotel again at Easter.”

Ferelith had to turn away before she burst out laughing. The always polite expression on her father’s face had looked as if it was straining to contain a tidal wave of horror.

She found Geraint under the spreading branches of the oak tree; he was reaching up to detach the last of the Christmas lights. She didn’t care if anyone was looking on. She slipped her arms round his waist and squeezed his lovely body.

What’s that for?

He asked in amusement.

“I was talking to one of the three kings,” Ferelith murmured. “He said that if I ever found love then I should hold onto it tightly. I intend to do just that.”

Geraint returned the hug, which was very kind thought, Ferelith felt, and when he kissed her after a moment she kissed him right back. It seemed the polite thing to do and she had always been a well-mannered girl.

The End.

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