Aggie’s Top 5 Tips For A Hygienic Home

Have you cleaned your house from top to bottom? There are still things you can do to make lockdown life more hygienic and sparkling – Aggie shows us how…
Repurpose grotty old exfoliating gloves
Are your exfoliating gloves looking worse for wear? Instead of throwing them away, re-use them by slipping them on over the top of your rubber gloves. Then get to work on stubborn marks in the kitchen or bathroom!
How to freshen up suede shoes
Hold each shoe over the spout of a boiling kettle for a few moments (careful – don’t scald yourself!), rubbing gently with a suede brush. The combination of steam and brushing will lift the dirt without leaving watermarks.
Keep your feet smelling sweet
On hot days, avoid plastic and vinyl shoes – go for natural materials and sandals. it’s best to have 2-3 pairs that you wear regularly and rotate them daily so that each pair has chance to dry out.
Trainers come up well after a short, gentle cycle in the washing machine.
How to remove a scratch from the bath
Smooth out the scratch with metal polish or non-gel toothpaste. The mild abrasion will remove the thinnest surface layer and blend it with the surrounding area.
Test a hidden area first, eg behind the taps. If you’re happy with that, rub over the scratch – but really gently, or the sheen could go.
Yes, pillows do need to be washed!
10 per cent of a pillow’s weight is sweat, skin, dandruff, saliva … enough said. Check the labels for wash instructions, and put two at a time in the machine. Peg on the line early on a sunny day, and they’ll dry by the evening.
Look out for more fabulous tips from Aggie next week – or if you can’t wait, visit her blog!