5 Ways To Get Your Exercise Mojo Back!
With wintery weather, dark nights and cold temperatures it’s no surprise that 2 out of 3 of us Brits, exercise less in the winter months. While those New Year resolutions may wane as much as the weather, according to Matt Flanagan, CEO of E-Bikes direct, it’s worth the effort.
“Our immune systems become weaker during colder weather yet exercising boosts your immune system to naturally work harder to defend itself from the colder elements,” Flanagan explains. “In addition to strengthening your immune system, being cold is proven to help burn more calories, thus resulting in better results yet without any extra effort. Remember, even in the coldest and most dreary of days, exercising is proven to improve your mood. Exercising helps to raise your serotonin levels, aka the happy hormone, which helps to regulate your mood, raises alertness, and even improves your sleep cycle. Not only does exercising increase your mood, but just 150 minutes a week is proven to reduce risk of illnesses such as diabetes and dementia.”
So just how do you find that exercise motivation to get your healthy mojo back when the sofa is calling to you?
Check out our 5 simple ways to motivate you during the winter:
1. Think Short
Mini-workouts of between 5 and 15 minutes spread throughout the day is said to be one of the biggest fitness trends for 2022. Studies have shown that short bursts of exercising help keep your mind active and boost endorphin production.
Try: Ditching the car and walking to work.
2. Something New
Variety is the spice of life and it applies to health and fitness goals too. Studies show that a combination of endurance, strength, balance and flexibility helps reduce risk of injury and improves your health overall.
Try: Adding in a variety of online workouts – think a weight based class like BodyPump one day and yoga the next.
3. Set Realistic Goals
Goals are brilliant for motivation but no one likes to fail. Listen to your body, be kind and realistic. Often it’s easier to break a goal into smaller goals which add up to the big picture.
Try: Writing an overall fitness goal for the year and dividing into monthly and weekly goals.
4. Power In Numbers
We’ve all felt the power of support that comes from being with others and exercise is no different.
One scientific study showed that working out with a partner produced more motivation than those who worked out alone and another one showed that those who exercise with a friend are more likely to double the amount of time spent exercising! The science speaks for itself so get to that Zumba class now!
Try: Cycle with a group of friends or go for an open water swim together.
5. Vitamin D
Around 1/3 of people suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) in the UK. This type of depression occurs when the winter season changes, think lack of energy, feeling sluggish and sleeping too much. It’s thought to be caused by a lack of Vitamin D in the body. The good news is spending a few hours outside or even using a vitamin D spray can help.
Try: Doing some gardening outside or going for a long lunchtime walk.
If you need even more motivation then don’t miss our inspiring health stories and feel good reads in My Weekly out now! You can subscribe and save every week too. There’s also our fabulous My Weekly Special packed with motivating features just for you and out every month. Don’t miss an issue!