9 Tips To Keep Moving This New Year!

3 Generation family on country walk in winter;

By Dawn Couch, a WW Weight Watchers Reimagined Coach for The Wirral area

Dawn has been a coach for many years and loves meeting new people at her workshops and helping them achieve their goals. When she isn’t smiling at her day job coaching others she can be found running (sometimes marathons!) as well as open water swimming and walking her beloved dog Fudge on the beach with her husband and two sons. She shares her New Year fitness ideas now.

Lady in long yellow dress

Dawn Couch

It can be difficult to find the motivation to keep moving during the winter, and especially after a busy festive period.

With these easy new year fitness ideas, though, you can step purposefully into the new year.

WW‘s 9 easy new year fitness ideas

1. Wrap up and go for a walk with the family

3 Generation family on country walk in winter;

Pic: Shutterstock

Not only does exercising in green spaces help improve your mood, the colder temperatures mean you’ll burn extra calories keeping warm.

2. Take advantage of the season

Make the most of fun winter activities this season, like family ice skating.

3. Wear your pedometer shopping

You’ll be surprised how many steps you rack up in a few hours of post Christmas sales.

4. Have a boogie while ironing

Young pretty housewife with curlers on hair in light clothes dancing, ironing board with iron, family clothing. Woman isolated on white background.

Pic: Shutterstock

Got a pile of ironing that you’ve been ignoring? Turn a chore into a fun workout by cranking up the volume on your favourite tunes and having a wiggle while you iron.

5. Try these quick home workouts

These 15 minute workouts are so easy to sneak into your everyday routine, even if you have a million things to do! High Intensity Interval Training, or HIIT, is a short burst of intense exercise. It’s an efficient calorie burner and easy to squeeze into your day.

6. Take housework to the next level

Smiling excited young housewife havig fun while cleaning floor with vacuum cleaner. Happy woman doing housework at home enjoy music wearing earphones. lady in apron singing dancing house chores

Pic: Shutterstock

Dusting, cleaning and vacuuming work your muscles and can help you towards your fitness goals.

7. Park further away

smiling woman opening door of her red car

Pic: Shutterstock

Whether you’re driving to work or into town for a spot of shopping, try parking further away than usual to boost your step count for the day.

8. Take to the stairs

Busy shopping centres may mean you have to park on the top level of the car park. Take advantage of the opportunity to fit in some easy exercise!

9. Get ad break active

Enjoy guilt-free TV marathons by using the ad breaks to squat, do star jumps or march on the spot – anything that gets you moving.

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Moira Chisholm

I'm the Health Editor on My Weekly and am always interested to hear what's new in this fascinating field. I also deal with the gardening, shopping pages, general features, our website content and the Ask Helen problem page. I have a special interest in Christmas content because I'm on the team for Your Best Ever Christmas Magazine, too!