Your Horoscopes With Russell Grant Dec 17-23
For those born under Virgo, Russell Grant suggests you should celebrate your uniqueness. Take note, if that’s your star sign!
Read on to find out what’s in store for all the signs…
Aries (Mar21/Apr20)
A friend or co-worker is eager to make amends. If your job feels as if it’s at a standstill, those in authority can help get things moving again.
Astro Tip: Practise mindfulness daily.
Taurus (Apr21/May21)
You’re torn between treating yourself or saving. Friends are heading to the shops. You’ll get caught up in the excitement.
Astro Tip: Prioritise self-care on busy days.
Gemini (May22/June21)
Keep criticism to a minimum, especially at work. Mood swings make you keen to get on one minute, only to realise you’re not really bothered.
Astro Tip: Be aware of how your actions impact others.
Cancer (June22/July23)
New responsibilities may not be as difficult as you expect. When starting an important project, be thorough and discourage shortcuts.
Astro Tip: Practise active listening in conversations.
Leo (July24/Aug23)
You will be quick to grab any chance you get to celebrate. At the office Christmas party, chatting with unfamiliar folk will come naturally to you.
Astro Tip: Maintain a healthy work-life balance.
Virgo (Aug24/Sept23)
You’ll soon shake off your recent quiet mood and feel a surge of energy. If you’re not sure how to channel this, fill your days with activities.
Astro Tip: Celebrate your uniqueness.
Libra (Sept24/Oct23)
Be truthful with those around you especially on a work-related issue. Bluffing your way through isn’t likely to work at this point.
Astro Tip: Choose your battles wisely.
Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22)
Your family and friends are eager to show their feelings. This is a chance to show some of your profound emotions you hold within.
Astro Tip: Value the time you spend with loved ones.
Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21)
Former friends and old loves make their way back into your circle. Someone keeps bringing up an unresolved argument.
Astro Tip: Accept that you can’t control everything.
Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20)
The week might start on a confusing note. You can rely on your instincts in a difficult situation. Your intuition is your greatest asset.
Astro Tip: Speak kindly to yourself.
Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19)
Enjoy bits and pieces of different activities. Variety will add excitement to your days and help ease restlessness.
Astro Tip: Set out clear boundaries in your relationships.
Pisces (Feb20/Mar20)
Your unbiased perspective will make a big difference to the future decisions of those you care about. So share your thoughts when asked.
Astro Tip: Practise resilience in the face of challenges.
Enjoy Russell Grant’s horoscopes each week online.