Your Horoscopes With Russell Grant Sept 17 – 23

Scorpio shouldn’t hold grudges or dwell on past mistakes this week. Here’s Russell Grant’s horoscopes for all star signs for the week ahead…
Aries (Mar21/Apr20)
In some matters the pace is moving faster but where it applies to the cost of living, a more measured approach is needed. In finances, pause before switching gears.
Astro Tip: Be a good friend.
Taurus (Apr21/May21)
A colleague exaggerates when discussing their health and responsibilities. You’ll catch them out and ask if they truly need all the help they get.
Astro Tip: Be honest about your feelings.
Gemini (May22/June21)
There is a risk of rushing into a situation. Assess what’s going on before acting. A challenge will bother you less than the competitor expects.
Astro Tip: Be aware of the company you keep.
Cancer (June22/July23)
Not everything will go as planned. Be flexible when situations start looking chaotic. Others around you will be helpful and supportive.
Astro Tip: Steer away from conflict.
Leo (July24/Aug23)
Money is flowing in; you feel fortunate and excited. The unexpected repayment of a loan by a friend will add to this. It will feel as if all your efforts have finally paid off.
Astro Tip: Learn a new skill.
Virgo (Aug24/Sept23)
People you work with don’t seem happy. New equipment would help make the job easier but is not affordable right now. There is no magic solution to the problem.
Astro Tip: Trust your intuition.
Libra (Sept24/Oct23)
Believe you can succeed. The main obstacle holding you back is your lack of belief in your ideas and efforts. There’s no reason to be pessimistic.
Astro Tip: Look at the bigger picture.
Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22)
A recent success has surpassed your expectations. You’re eager to help others who are struggling and want everyone to share your joy.
Astro Tip: Don’t hold grudges or dwell on past mistakes.
Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21)
An activity you’re involved in will pique a friend’s curiosity. When they ask if they can join you, you will feel you can’t possibly decline.
Astro Tip: Look at a new fitness regime.
Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20)
Senior colleagues have high expectations. You’ve never disappointed them, but you might do now when you turn down a big assignment.
Astro Tip: Be attentive to finer details.
Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19)
A recent professional success will have boosted your confidence. You feel anything is possible. You need to avoid becoming too complacent.
Astro Tip: Practise patience and tolerance.
Pisces (Feb20/Mar20)
You might feel envious as your partner’s or housemate’s income goes up. Don’t let this show; they’ll want your ideas on how to use the extra cash.
Astro Tip: Practise regular self-reflection exercises.
Enjoy Russell Grant’s horoscopes each week online.