Roses Named After Famous People

Naming roses after famous people is often a way to honour their achievements, contributions, or simply their popularity. Roses are considered symbols of love, beauty, and elegance, so associating someone’s name with a rose can enhance their legacy.
We found some famous faces who have roses named in their honour.
7 Roses Named After Famous People
1. Judi Dench Rose
Named after one of Britain’s most beloved stars of stage and screen, the Dame Judi Dench rose is not only visually stunning but also a healthy and robust addition to any garden. It features mid-sized, pastel orange rosette blooms with a pleasant tea fragrance, presented in clusters on short stems.
2. William and Catherine Rose
The William and Catherine rose is a delightful English shrub rose that produces white, shallowly cupped blooms with a fragrance of myrrh. These elegant flowers bloom consistently throughout the summer, creating a charming display, making it look great in any garden setting. The rose was appropriately named to celebrate the Royal Wedding in 2011.
3. Barbra Streisand Rose
The Barbra Streisand Rose, bred by Tom Carruth in 2001, is a fragrant and captivating hybrid tea rose named after the legendary singer and actress. Its large lavender flowers have deep magenta petal edges and have a strong citrusy rose scent. The rose blooms from spring to autumn and can grow up to 5ft tall. The plant is ideal for beds, borders, or containers, it also makes stunning cut flowers.
4. Natasha Richardson Rose
The Natasha Richardson rose is a floribunda rose variety, with clusters of gorgeous baby pink double flowers and a strong fragrance, a gorgeous tribute to the late English actress. This plant has good resistance to diseases and are ideal for growing with mixed herbaceous borders or large containers. These blooms are truly delightful and add a touch of romance to any garden.
5. Sir Paul McCartney Rose
The McCartney Rose, also known as Rosa ‘Meizeli’, was named in honour of the singer songwriter Paul McCartney. This award-winning rose is known for its spectacular blooms, which can appear singly or in clusters of up to 5, and it continues to rebloom throughout the season. The McCartney Rose was offered as a birthday gift to Sir Paul McCartney from his record company. The flower has a lovely, sweet fragrance, making it perfect for a flowering hedge or as a stunning specimen plant.
6. Thelma Barlow Rose
This hybrid tea rose was named after the English television actress and writer, Thelma Barlow, best known for her role as Mavis Wilton in Coronation Street. The gorgeous rose starts out as a pink bud and fades to light pink when the rose opens and with time, further fades to cream.
7. Tina Turner Rose
The Tina Turner Rose is a delightful tribute to the legendary singer and performer. In July 1990, as part of the Gateshead National Garden Festival, a woman named Susan Wear had the honour of presenting Tina Turner with a rose named after her. The flower was created by one of Queen Elizabeth II’s rose growers.
This article, by BBC News, shows Tina Turner holding her very own rose.
By associating a rose with a specific individual and their accomplishments, breeders can create a lasting tribute that not only honours the person but also adds depth and meaning to the rose itself. Are you growing any roses in your garden? Share your photos with us on Facebook.
Not sure which rose is best for your garden? Check out our guide here.