Yorkies with Cranberry and Orange Relish

Prepare ahead for Christmas with a side dish for your main course, and a tasty relish, then freeze ready for Christmas Day! We’ve more recipes to make and freeze before Christmas in this week’s issue of My Weekly, plus a whole selection of delicious baked Christmas goodies!
Serves: 6-8
Cooking time for Yorkies: 20min, then 6-8min from frozen on the day
Cooking time for relish: 15min, then simply defrost and serve on the day
For the Yorkies:
- Sift the flour into a bowl and stir in the salt. Whisk in the eggs and sufficient milk to make a smooth batter. Transfer to a jug and leave to stand for 30min. Preheat the oven to 200°C, Fan Oven 180°C, Gas Mark 6. Add a little oil to a 12 hole muffin tin and heat for 5min, until hot.
- Divide the mix between the holes and bake for 20min, or until risen and golden. Transfer the Yorkies to a cooling rack and leave until cold.
- Place in freezer-proof bags, in a single layer and freeze flat. To cook from frozen, place on a baking tray, in a preheated oven at 200°C, Fan 180°C, Gas Mark 6 for 6-8mins.
For the relish:
- Place the cranberries in a small pan. Place the orange juice in a jug and make up to 150ml with cold water. Add to the pan and bring to the boil. Simmer for 5min, or until berries start to burst.
- Add the orange zest, ginger and caster sugar. Simmer for 5min, or until starting to thicken. Leave to cool. Either store in the fridge for up to 1 week or freeze for up to 2 months. Defrost overnight.