9 Unsuspecting Foods That Can Cause A Bloated Belly

Bloating can be caused when particular foods take slightly longer to digest than others, this can cause a prolonged build up of gas, leading to a rounded appearance of the stomach. The experts state that even balanced, organic diets can cause bloating and poor gut health, but simple changes can remedy irritation and discomfort.
Making smarter food choices, taking extra time to chew food, staying hydrated and being aware of individual food intake limits, can help reduce the chances of being bloated. A spokesperson for BreakingMuscle.com said: “There is a common perception that only highly processed foods can cause stomach irritation, bloating and poor gut health, but that is wrong.
“Sugars, lactose and gluten are present in many food items and they can often be unkind to our insides, even if they’re coming from natural sources. Beans are a great example of this and they are famous for flatulence for a reason. They contain sugars called oligosaccharides, which can make it all the way to the large intestine undigested. Once it gets there, the fermentation process releases gas which can cause stomach irritation and wind.
“For most of us, the simple way of finding out if certain foods don’t sit well is purely through trial and error. Removing and replacing certain things from your eating pattern will help build a comfortable diet. It’s important to bear in mind that everyone is different and what works for someone else may not work for you.
“Taking more time to chew, staying hydrated, and being mindful of food intake limits, can all be factors that can reduce bloating too.”
Top 9 foods to avoid in order to stop bloating
This fruit can take longer to digest than others as they are high in polyols (sugar alcohols) which can be difficult to break down in the body.
Coffee contains caffeine which can irritate the gut and lead to bloating. Also, some of the acids in coffee are known to upset sensitive stomachs.
Watermelon is packed with fructose, which is a naturally occurring sugar that can cause bloating when consumed in large amounts.
The starch content in potatoes makes them a high gas-producing carbohydrate. Try swapping potatoes for rice as rice is the only carbohydrate that does not cause gas.
Fructans are soluble fibers that are found in onions and can cause digestive issues. Red onions have high levels of these fibers, so switching to a white onion may help.
These legumes contain sugars called oligosaccharides, which although may be naturally occurring, our bodies can find difficult to break down.
Soy sauce
Gluten is a major ingredient in soy sauce and this can cause inflammation throughout the body. Many people may actually have an intolerance to gluten without actually knowing it.
Some people may find that eggs will upset their stomach and sensitivity to them can cause gas and bloating. The sulfur in eggs is also the culprit for the foul smell produced when releasing wind.
Cucumbers are high in a chemical compound called cucurbitacin which can cause gas production in the body.
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