Do You Have A Question For Author Dr Hilary Jones?

Dr Hilary Jones may be well known as a GP and TV presenter, but did you know that he has recently released an epic WW1 fictional drama, Frontline? We’ll be speaking to Dr Hilary about his writing in our new fictional podcast series, My Weekly’s Magical Flying Bookshop, and you can get involved by asking a question to be included in the recording…
Send in your questions
We’d love to hear from you! Send us your questions for Dr Hilary on his new book and writing career and we’ll ask him to answer on the podcast!
It’s simple, either type your question and email it to, or record your voice on your phone and add the audio clip to the email. We can then play your questions during the podcast. Don’t forget to put the words “podcast” and “Dr Hilary” in the subject header – and please include your name on the email, too.
Or, if you would prefer to phone, leave a message on 01382 575486, including your question, the author’s name, and your name.
Podcast line-up
We’ll also be speaking to Cathy Bramley, Heidi Swain, Stacey Halls and Sarah Morgan soon – send your questions for these authors, too!