Would You Know The 5 Signs of Sepsis?

Worldwide sepsis takes more lives per year than breast, bowel and prostate cancer combined, but many people are still unsure of the symptoms. Here we explain the five key things to look out for…
September is Sepsis Awareness Month and the charity Sepsis Research FEAT is asking everyone to get involved and help save lives.
What is sepsis?
Sepsis occurs when the body’s response to an infection spirals rapidly out of control, injuring its own tissues and organs which can result in multiple organ failure and death. The biological processes that cause sepsis are not understood and that is why more research is needed.
Sepsis Awareness Month – which includes World Sepsis Day on September 13 – is an important time for the charity and its supporters to raise money and spread the word about sepsis so that more people can recognise the symptoms and know when to seek urgent medical attention.
The five key symptoms of sepsis:
- High/Low temperature
- Uncontrolled shivering
- Confusion
- Passing little urine
- Blotchy or cold arms and legs
If you, or any family members have these symptoms, seek urgent help. Mention sepsis and the symptoms you are experiencing.
Have you been affected, and how can you help?
Fundraising is great for spreading the word about sepsis while also supporting vital research. This could be anything from holding an office bake sale to taking part in a sports challenge. For anyone who wants to arrange their own fundraising activity but is stuck for ideas, the charity has created a Sepsis Awareness Month fundraising pack which is available to download from their website.
A huge part of Sepsis Research FEAT’s awareness raising work happens thanks to the sepsis stories of people who have been affected by the condition.
Anyone with experience of sepsis who wants to share their story this September is invited do so by getting in touch with the charity.
Those who have not been personally affected by sepsis can also help save lives by sharing updates from the charity on social media or talking to friends and family about sepsis and the symptoms to look out for.
Colin Graham, Chief Operating Officer at Sepsis Research FEAT, said,
“This Sepsis Awareness Month, more than any other year, we need to spread the word about this deadly condition.
“Please join us this September by raising awareness of the symptoms of sepsis and fundraising to support vital research that will help save lives.
“Please get involved in any way you can this Sepsis Awareness Month. Whatever support you can give will be greatly appreciated and will play an important part in our fight against sepsis.”
For more information about Sepsis Awareness Month and how to get involved, visit the Sepsis Research FEAT website.