Milly Johnson writes a NEW My Weekly diary column

We’ve got some exciting news here at My Weekly, everyone’s favourite bestselling author Milly Johnson has been secretly penning a new series just for you our lovely readers!
“I am so excited about my new column,’ says author Milly. It’s a dream come true – me, a columnist in a MAGAZINE! Where better to have it than with My Weekly who have been such a wonderful support to my career. I hope that readers take my lovely Molly to their hearts and love her as much as I do.”
So if you’re in need of a good giggle then you’ll love this new fiction series called ‘Finding Molly’ in every issue of My Weekly Special.
It’s the perfect coffee break read and will sure to have you in stitches, with loveable divorcee Molly.
Fiction Editor Claire says,
It’s been a dream to work with Milly on this new serial. We wanted uplifting, relatable and the diary form proved perfect for this. A side-splitting series.