7 Top Tips For Staying Safe As Lockdown Eases

Finding ways to combat the potential risk of catching diseases and maintaining hygiene in places such as the workplace, gyms, restaurants and supermarkets, is an essential part of coming out of lockdown successfully. The leading tech developers at www.sanitisersentinel.com have complied a list of how the UK public can maintain hygiene levels to ensure the safety of yourself and others as the restrictions within the UK gradually ease, in specific areas of your day-to-day lives but also as a general rule:
Keeping yourself safe in gyms
The key to maintaining hygiene levels in the gym is to plan ahead; although many people will already have a set gym plan in their mind, the need for one becomes even more important post lockdown. Gyms can be a breeding ground for unwanted bacteria; with many people touching the same equipment and breathing the same ventilated air, it can be a stressful place for people who enjoy exercising but are afraid of implications it may cause.
A good place to start is to call ahead. Speaking to the receptionist to see how busy it is before going can be a great way to avoid large crowds of people, and it is recommended to book a time slot if these are available. Similarly, consider going at times when the gym will be less busy, like late at night or early in the morning. Gyms will be set up with sanitising stations dotted about, so make sure to use these frequently and wipe down every piece of gym equipment you touch after using, sanitising your hands afterwards. It is even advised to bring a small bottle of hand sanitiser with you, to avoid not having any should the bottles provided run out.
Supermarket safety
From mandatory face masks to Perspex windows and floor markers, supermarkets around the UK have adapted stores to help inhibit the spread of coronavirus. However, there are extra precautions you can take to ensure you feel safe when shopping. Due to the large volumes of people that pass through supermarkets, it is recommended to only pick up items you wish to buy. This protects yourself and others from contamination between customers. Despite lockdown easing, you must still remember to keep a safe distance from other shoppers. Lastly, when you get your shopping home, give it a good wipe over with anti-bac wipes for added peace of mind.
Be mindful of others around you
Lockdown measures may be set to ease, but that shouldn’t mean your personal hygiene levels go out the window. It’s recommended to prevent the spread of Covid to ensure you always sneeze into a tissue, or your elbow, and the same rules apply for coughing. These are basic human actions, which if not followed correctly can leave others around you feeling very uneasy. Coronavirus is spread via droplets in the air, so preventing the spread of said droplets will help to keep us out of lockdown and keep others around you feeling safer too.
Don’t feel embarrassed to continue wearing a face mask
Although the lockdown easing rules are yet to be finalised, there may be a chance that the mandatory wearing of face masks and coverings will be lifted. Despite the government rolling out vaccinations across the UK, people that are vaccinated may still be at risk of transmitting the virus, even if no symptoms are displayed. Continuing to wear a face mask may seem the most annoying thing in the world, but it could continue to save lives and ease pressure on the NHS.
The continual washing of hands
Now, the washing of hands may seem like an obvious precaution to take, but so many of us forget to do this simple task. Soap and water should always be used to wash the hands for a minimum of 20 seconds, to eliminate any potential harmful bacteria spreading to others. Some key times to remember to wash your hands are listed below:
- After touching your face
- Before and after preparing food
- Before and after eating
- After touching food in supermarkets
- When coughing or sneezing into the hands
Safety in the workplace
Some good steps to follow when returning to the office would be for the entire workplace to regularly check their temperatures throughout the day: when starting work, during lunch and in the afternoon. In addition to this, sanitiser should be readily available to use on hands and any surfaces wiped down that multiple people touch. Employees should try and avoid sitting directly opposite each other to avoid any germs being spread directly from person to person. Also, bringing in your own personal cutlery and mugs can avoid cross contamination between employees, thus helping to limit the spread of the virus. For any businesses who want to put extra precautions in place, the Sanitiser Sentinel has pre-recorded messages that senses when people are nearby, vocally reminding them to sanitise their hands, helping to remove the element of human error (i.e. forgetting!).
Petrol pumps – a breeding ground of bacteria
With hundreds of people passing through, filling cars up everyday at petrol stations, it can be difficult to think how to keep safe as many people are using the same pumps. To avoid touching the pump handle directly, it’s best to always use the gloves provided before filling up your vehicle. It’s also a great idea to invest in some plastic gloves to keep in the car, in case the petrol station runs out. Once used, dispose of the gloves in the bins provided and immediately sanitise your hands before touching your car door handles or anything in your car. This is a good way to make sure you avoid catching any unwanted bacteria, spreading it around your car and homes.