7 Mistakes That Ruin Eyelashes

Even though we forget they’re there, our eyelashes are so important. Not only do they protect our eyes from infection, but they also guard against irritation caused by pollution, dirt and even pollen in the air.   We spoke to make-up artist, Saffron Hughes, from FalseEyelashes.co.uk who outlines the 7 everyday mistakes that can ruin your eyelashes.

Poor Lash Extension Application


Whilst eyelash extensions can be a quick fix to achieve long, luscious lashes, they need to be done right. A reputable salon will require you to do a patch test 24 hours before treatment, to avoid any disappointment or damage on the day. Although you can choose from a range of lash lengths, most salons will not carry longer than 15mm as the weight of these lashes can cause stress to the hair follicle, resulting in premature fallout. Speak to your stylist to find out more about the application process, and ensure your lashes are applied safely and to your style.


Rubbing Your Eyes


Rubbing your eyes can feel natural and relieving, especially if you have allergies, but this bad habit can cause more damage than you think. Not only can it enhance dark circles around your eyes but rubbing too vigorously can cause the tiny blood vessels to break or harm the lens of the cornea. As well as this, the friction can cause your eyelashes to fall out, and cause infection due to the bacteria from your hands transferring to your eyes.




As with the hair on your head, excessive heat can rob your eyelashes of vital moisture, cause breakage, or even burn them if it is too hot. Whilst a low heat can help lock in eyelash curls, we recommend using a heated eyelash curler designed to regulate temperature, rather than a hairdryer which may cause damage. Alternatively, invest in a pair of voluminous false eyelashes for that extra curl and drama.


Ripping Off False Eyelashes


Whilst there is nothing more tempting than ripping off your false eyelashes for quick removal, you may take some of your precious natural lashes with them if you are not gentle. Take a few extra moments to soak a cotton bud in an oil-based cleanser and lightly rub against the lash adhesive to loosen it. Repeat as necessary until the lash strip or clusters loosen enough to lift away without pulling on your skin or natural hairs.


Tinting Your Eyelashes


Eyelash tinting is great for the ultimate no-makeup look and enhancing your natural lashes. These trendy treatments have become so popular, that at-home lash tinting kits are now widely available. However, we recommend a licensed professional to tint your eyelashes as frequent, accidental misuse can cause you to permanently lose your lashes. If you are unable to access your salon during the COVID-19 lockdown, we recommend using a pair of reusable black false eyelashes instead.


Curling After Applying Mascara


Eyelash curlers are fantastic for lifting stubborn hairs, making the eye appear wider and your eyelashes instantly looking three times longer. They are a great makeup tool, but you must curl your eyelashes before you apply your mascara. Mascara will cause your natural lashes to stick to the curler, especially if it has not properly dried yet. This can damage the eyelash cuticles, cause lash breakage and encourage premature hair fallout. Ensure that your curler will curl effectively without damaging your fragile lashes. Quality is key, and it makes a difference when you spend a little more. For best results, we recommend popular brands such as Lilly Lashes, Eylure or Ardell.


 Using Expired Mascara


Yes, makeup does expire! Although it might be tempting to use your mascara till the tube runs out or the formula runs dry, it is important we stay within the expiration date as old mascara can harbour bacteria which can cause lash loss, eye infection and damage. Most manufacturers recommend replacing your mascara every 2-4 months and speaking to an ophthalmologist immediately if you notice any signs of infection such as watery eyes, itchiness, pain or discomfort.

This piece was brought to you by the experts at https://falseeyelashes.co.uk/