Russell Grant’s Predictions

By Russell Grant,
Russell explains how the Great Conjunction can bring opportunity for growth and advancement. How will this impact you? Check your star sign below…
On December 21, 2020 Jupiter and Saturn, the two largest planets in our solar system, appeared together in the post-sunset sky at just 0.1 degrees apart. The last Great Conjunction was at the start of the 21st century but even then they weren’t as close as they were this Christmas. In fact, these slow-moving planets haven’t been as close since the year 1623. A close encounter of these giant planets is called a Great Conjunction because it is so rare. Saturn takes 29 years to orbit the sun, Jupiter takes about 12 years, and every 20 years they catch up with each other.
Over the last few months, these planets have been slowly moving closer, culminating in a ceremonious performance in Aquarius, at the Winter Solstice, appearing almost as one dazzling star.
The energy of a Great Conjunction can bring the opportunity for growth and advancement, ready for a new phase in your life to begin. Your star sign below reveals more…
Aries (Mar 21/Apr 20)
Forming healthy, happy friendships will be a big priority for you. Restrictions of 2020 have made you feel lonely and isolated. That’s why it will feel so important for you to start expanding your social circle. Getting involved in new groups, charity work and community efforts will bring you genuine pleasure. Engaging in meaningful activities with others will be rewarding and uplifting.
Taurus (Apr 21/May 21)
You have been through a lot and you cannot keep pushing yourself so hard. When you start feeling exhausted, take a break. Go for a walk, get extra sleep, avoid people who demand a lot from you and drain your energy. If you have suffered a loss, give yourself time to recover and heal. Don’t shut people out. Let friends and loved ones pamper you. The support and comfort friendship brings is healing in itself.
Gemini (May 22/June 21)
Learning can be experienced in many forms. You might be drawn to taking an online course or workshop or to go back to college to further your education. The Great Conjunction’s message for you is that the time is here for you to expand your mind and experiences. So, whether you’re hoping to travel, learn something new or develop your skills, your life will change and grow with new learning.
Cancer (June 22/July 23)
Abundance is all around you. Life is challenging but even if you’re living from one payday to the next, there are things to be grateful for. Whether it is spending time with a favourite pet or being glad of having loving friends and a supportive family, take a look around you every day and remind yourself of what you have to be grateful for. Cultivating an attitude of gratitude will make you a better person.
Leo (July 24/Aug 23)
You are likely to be taking a more active interest in partnership concerns. You will cross paths with someone who will have a powerful impact on your life. If you’ve been thinking about getting engaged or married, there is no challenge or obstacle that will prevent you from making a commitment to each other. It’s a great time to strike out in new directions. New opportunities are unfolding.
Virgo (Aug 24/Sept 23)
You’ve been through some tough times and the end of the year is a time of healing allowing you to move forward in 2021 with renewed hope and confidence. Continue to take good care of your health and your increased energy and stamina will allow you to spend more time on sports, hobbies and other favourite pastimes. Cut out harmful chemicals and substances and make it your intention to lead a healthier lifestyle.
Libra (Sept 24/Oct 23)
It might feel as if you have been the emotionally strong rock for all those in your life who have needed someone to lean on. High levels of intuition help you notice when friends have needed help but you have been prone to overlooking your own need for self-care. Look forward to a more carefree time when you can focus more on relaxing and having fun. Get those creative juices flowing.
Scorpio (Oct 24/Nov 22)
It is time to strike a healthier balance between your home and professional lives. Your first priority should be to your family now. Don’t waste precious energy on people who don’t appreciate your kindness. Invest in a comfortable chair and have a place in your home where you can curl up, relax and listen to music. Don’t be surprised if you start thinking about renovating your home or moving to a new one.
Sagittarius (Nov 23/Dec 21)
If you’ve been considering committing to a new course of study or gaining mastery of a new subject, now is the time to begin. Studying with a talented teacher will improve your prospects. You might even enjoy being a teacher or mentor to others, yourself. There will be so many things you will want to learn and experience. Expanding your mental horizons will uplift and inspire you.
Capricorn (Dec 22/Jan 20)
A driving impulse to earn more money will prompt you to work even harder. Finances will slowly improve and this will give you a chance to indulge a love of creature comforts. There’s nothing wrong with wanting expensive things if you have the means to pay for them. Taking on new work responsibilities will improve your financial situation.
Aquarius (Jan 21/Feb 19)
Believe in yourself and trust your inner wisdom. The Great Conjunction in your sign will inspire you to take control of your life. Break free from manipulative people who have been trying to control you. This is your life. Exercise your own power and you will achieve an impressive breakthrough. You are operating from a place of emotional and spiritual strength.
Pisces (Feb 20/Mar 20)
Tune out external distractions and start to listen to your intuition. It won’t let you down. Don’t ignore your first impressions. They will turn out to be reliable. Meditation or a spiritual practice will help you connect with your emotions and trust your instincts. Feeling connected with the Universe makes it easier for you to handle challenges and deal with stress.