7 Clever Ways To Limit Screen Time And Improve Your Wellbeing

The coronavirus pandemic has changed the way Brits stay connected with friends, family and colleagues, as we have been kept physically apart. We are all spending more time at home and staying connected virtually, but it can be hard not to have an entire day consumed by technology.
The experts at CE Safety have researched and revealed seven easy to action tips to help reduce screen time and improve Brits wellbeing.
CE Safety recommends undergoing small but effective day to day changes such as taking fewer pictures, switching electronics to grayscale, and having tech-free zones around the house like the bathroom.
Research has shown that low levels of happiness are associated with increased smartphone usage, and social media can contribute to feelings of loneliness.
Excessive technology and smartphone usage also negatively impacts sleep. With heightened anxiety and stress due to the coronavirus and lockdown, additional screen time will not help.
A spokesperson for CE Safety says: “Technology does solve many problems and can help with communicating with people. There is also an endless amount of information at our fingertips.
“But it can be distracting, time-consuming and addictive. Nomophobia is a real term to describe a growing fear in today’s world—the fear of being without a mobile device, or beyond mobile phone contact.
“We think everyone should be more aware of their technology and smartphone usage, and look to make small changes to improve their screen time, and ultimately improve their wellbeing.”
Establish tech-free zones
There are a few locations around the house that mobiles and laptops aren’t needed. From the dining room to the bathroom, try to keep your phone in your pocket. Our parents and grandparents survived just fine without taking a phone to the bathroom.
Switch to grayscale
Laptops and smartphones allow you to turn your screen or display grey. As a result, this will remove all the attractive, eye-catching colours from your screen. Not only is it better for your eyesight, but the visual appeal is also lost.
You can even schedule greyscale or ‘night mode’ across devices now to help soften the colours your eyes consume before bedtime.
Don’t take as many pictures
Taking pictures with your smartphone has become second nature. A birthday party, sporting event, and holidays are all picture worthy events and Brits tend to snap at every opportunity. But in an effort to reduce your screen time, try not to take as many photos and cherish the moment for what it is, rather than turning to a smartphone at the first opportunity.
Be aware of your screen time and set time limits
Ignorance is bliss, but in this case, we’d advise making the effort to track the time you actually spend staring at screens each day. There are plenty of tools and apps that will do this for you, and iPhones track your screen time automatically and tell you how many minutes you are spending on each app.
Many Brits might be surprised at just how long they spend glued to the screen. What else could you do with that time? Go for a run? Do some cooking? Read a book?
Don’t watch the TV in bed
Try and watch TV or films from your living room rather than in your bed. Watching from your couch makes it easier to stop watching that next episode on Netflix. You want as little blue light as possible before going to bed. Also, try and turn off the TV when you’re not actually watching it.
Don’t charge your phone in the bedroom
We advise not to charge your phone next to your bed as it might tempt you to check for messages. Looking at your phone’s screen just before bed has been shown to disrupt sleep patterns.
Get your news in one place
The internet provides us with a wealth of ways to access news. But trawling through social media and news headlines to make sense of the latest events can keep users glued to the device. Try and find a reliable news source you like, and stick to it.