The Mystery Of The Missing Mojo!

Has your motivation slumped to an all-time low? Are your energy levels running on empty? Has your libido decided it would much prefer to have a sleep? You’ve lost your mojo!
“Your ‘Mojo’ is an almost magical quality that creates boundless energy, attracts success and generates charisma,” says Dr Sarah Brewer, Medical Director of wellbeing brand Healthspan. “If your mojo’s missing, help persuade it to return by making a few simple but effective changes.”
Kickstart your motivation
Avoid foods that are high in saturated fats and/or sugar as these can leave you feeling lethargic and unhappy with your appearance. “It’s important to keep yourself feeling lean in body and positive in mind,” says registered nutritionist Rob Hobson, author of The Detox Kitchen Bible.
“Variety’s the spice of life. To avoid getting stuck in a rut of boredom and low motivation, explore new ways of eating, exercising and living.”
Psychologist Dr Meg Arroll, also working with Healthspan, explains that it’s important to recognise when your thoughts are chipping away at your motivation. “Catastrophising, minimising the positive and magnifying the negative take their toll on vitality and motivation,” says Dr Arroll, author of The Shrinkology Solution.
“To rewire your mind, write down your three main concerns in one column and, in another column, make a note of the ‘ways this will be alright’. Research shows that writing down your fears helps to process them and provides a reminder that you’ll be OK.”
Recharge your energy
“Dehydration contributes a surprising amount to fatigue, so drink plenty of still water,” advises nutritional therapist Alison Cullen. “Cut back on caffeinated drinks and alcohol as these deplete energy-supporting nutrients such as iron, magnesium and B vitamins. In addition, if you suffer from heavy periods, ask your GP to check your iron levels.”
Alison also recommends A.Vogel Balance Mineral Drink (£19.50). “This provides a fast top-up of important nutrients that get straight to work on restoring energy,” she says.
Ignite your libido
“Fluctuating hormone levels can affect how sexy you feel,” says Alison Cullen, who explains that, for women, fermented soya isoflavones, which can be found in A.Vogel Menopause Support (£14.99), can help counteract falling oestrogen levels. “Acupuncture can often help to restore general hormonal imbalances, for both men and women, and may also help with emotional rebalance.”
Medication, medical conditions, depression and major life events can also have a negative effect on sex-drive, but what if your libido has nosedived for no identifiable reason? “This might be the result of a lost connection – either with your partner or with your own sensual self,” reveals Dr Meg Arroll. “Dedicating time and thought to reconnecting is likely to pay dividends.”
The herbal remedy ginseng is frequently linked to libido. “A study found that a daily dose of red ginseng improved sexual desire in menopausal women,” says Rob Hobson, who recommends taking Healthspan Panax Ginseng (£11.95).
Work On Your VaVaVroom!
“To rediscover your lost mojo, it’s important to look after yourself – and to talk about your feelings rather than bottling them up,” advises Dr Sarah Brewer, author of CBD: The Essential Guide to Health & Wellness. “Eat a healthy, Mediterranean-style diet providing at least five fruit and veg every day, along with wholegrains and fish. And get enough sleep – a CBD product aimed at promoting sleep such as Healthspan Night Time CBD Oil Drops (£22.95) is ideal.”
Also, the wonders of Ubiquinol are not just for people who take it to help deal with the side effects of statins. Ubiquinol is the most readily absorbed form of CoQ10 and it has often been known as the ‘spark’ our body needs to generate energy. It acts within the cells to naturally increase energy levels and there are scientific studies that have indicated that Ubiquinol in an active and readily bioavailable form may be an efficient way to help restore healthy levels and support optimal energy levels. Healthspan’s Ubiquinol (60 capsules £34.95 has also been created using vitamin B1 to support your heart health and energy metabolism. This one-a-day formulation provides you with 100mg of ubiquinol which is equivalent to 280mg of efficiently converted CoQ10.
To perk up your mojo, Dr Meg Arroll suggests focusing on whatever’s most important to you. “We’re at our most alive when we’re aligned with our core values,” says Dr Arroll. “Think of three times or events when you felt you were doing what you were put on this earth for – what’s the common link? This will show you the way forward.”
Laughter is Alison Cullen’s top tip for regaining a missing mojo. “There’s nothing like a good run of funny films or giggles with a friend to restore emotional balance and a sense of perspective,” she says.
Let’s Get Serious
Although a lost mojo can often be the result of overdoing things, a hormonal imbalance or feeling low, there are several health conditions that can negatively affect energy levels, motivation and libido. If you’re concerned about how you’re feeling, speak to your GP.