Feeling Hot, Hot, Hot? We Can Help!

Written by Freddy Ward, co-founder of www.wearewild.com
We have been fortunate to have some amazing weather during lockdown, with very few wet and dreary days, but sweat levels can leave a lot of people feeling embarrassed or ashamed. Here are some top tips on how to reduce your sweat levels from Freddy Ward, eco-friendly cosmetics expert and co-founder of the world’s first biodegradable and compostable refill deodorant brand Wild (www.wearewild.com).
1 Wear loose and light clothing
The worst thing that you can choose to wear on a hot sunny day is black, so go for pale colours or even white as they are less likely to attract the sun. Wearing clothes that are loose fitting will allow your skin to breathe; anything tight will restrict you, make you hot and cause you to sweat. This won’t stop sweating completely – that’s inevitable when it’s hot, but you’ll be less likely to leave sweat marks on your clothes.
2 Invest in a decent deodorant
Investing in a decent deodorant is key. Many deodorants will mask the smell of body odour, but it’s antiperspirant deodorant that will prevent you from sweating in the first place. At Wild, our deodorants aren’t actually antiperspirant as we believe sweating is key to a healthy and functional body as your pores remove toxins circulating around your body. What we do use is a natural ingredient called Tapioca which sucks moisture out of the air, helping you to stay dry.
3 Drink water
Keeping yourself hydrated is really important. Drinking plenty of fluids will give you your own internal aircon. So make sure you are drinking often throughout the day to keep your body temperature down and you will notice that you start to sweat less. What’s more, be sure to increase the amount that you’re drinking in hot weather to prevent dehydration and, if you’re outdoors, it helps to reduce the risk of heat exhaustion.
4 Change your diet
Diet can play a major part in how much you sweat; from the food you eat to other bad habits you may enjoy that are bad for your body. If you really want to reduce your sweating, avoid the likes of hot foods or even processed foods and takeaways that have a high fat content. Caffeine and alcohol will also increase your heart rate causing you to sweat more, so try to avoid them where possible.
5 Shave
If you are hairy, then you are more likely to sweat as hair holds onto moisture and, of course, underarm hair is no exception to this. Rather than letting the hair grow, shave it off and feel that bit of freedom; or trim it at the very least.
6 Lose weight
If you find you are excessively sweating, then losing a few pounds might help. The more you weigh, the more of your body you have to move and the harder your body has to work in higher temperatures. Losing just a few pounds will give you more energy and you’ll soon notice that the walk to the shops that used to tire you out and make you sweat will be a sweat-free breeze next time around.
7 Destress
Feeling stressed and anxious does nothing to help in the sweat department. Try different destressing techniques, such as yoga or meditation, to help combat those stressful situations and put yourself in a better mind frame to deal with them properly – that in itself will reduce any excess sweating you often encounter.
8 Stay out of direct sunlight
This one may be fairly obvious, but staying out of direct sunlight will really help your sweat levels. Try and stay in a cool, shaded area or even put a bowl of iced water in front of a fan to help keep that cool air circulating around the room you are in. Obviously being in direct sunlight is not good for your skin either, so avoiding the sunlight directly is a win-win for both your skin and your sweat levels!
Wild can be purchased from the Wild website. The Subscription starter pack, consisting of one case (that lasts a lifetime) and one refill, is available for just £12, whilst the non-subscription trial pack – in which customers get to try three of the available scents – is £25. The subscription service is then delivered in a pack of 3 at £5 per refill, where customers pay just £15 every three months, making Wild great value for money at the same time as being wholly sustainable.