Exercise With The Green Goddess

Diana Moran – better known as The Green Goddess – is an inspiration to so many. Now aged 80, she’s still bringing exercise tips to the nation having recently returned to the BBC with a series of workout routines to help us all keep fit through self-isolation…
“Keep Fit and Carry On is my motto,” says Diana, and we can’t argue with that.
Whether you regularly exercise, or just want to stay active during this period of lockdown, Diana has some gentle routines to suit all ages.
Visit getready4anyage.com for the latest information, health tips and full range of workouts – you can even sign up to receive a daily message and tip from Diana by email.
To get you started, here’s a few of Diana’s new videos routines, plus some invaluable tips to help you relax and de-stress.
Warm Up Exercises
Before starting any exercise programme, consult a health prefessional for advice, especially if you have any underlying health issues.
For The Legs
Chair Exercises
Tune Up Your Body
Relax and De-Stress
Exercise 1 – Visualisation
Lie on your back or sit relaxed with feet flat on floor. Rest hands on thighs, thumbs touching second fingers and close your eyes. Breathe in through your nose, deep into abdomen, and slowly out through your mouth to a count of four. Continue deep breathing, shut your eyes and visualise yourself somewhere special to you. See, feel, hear and stay in your “special” place for at least 10 minutes. Come to slowly, shake out limbs, open your eyes, yawn, take a couple of deep breaths and ease yourself back – refreshed.
Exercise 2 – Wind Down
Kneel down on all fours. Place a cushion on floor in front of you; bend forward from the waist, rest your elbows and head on the cushion. Close your eyes, breathe deeply, think happy thoughts and stay in this comfortable position for as long as possible to recharge and relax.
Exercise 3 – Simply Relax
Lie back on the bed with your head supported by a pillow to improve comfort. Bend your legs and place another pillow behind your knees and thighs, to relieve discomfort. Close your eyes, place your hands over tummy with fingertips just touching. Breathe deeply into your abdomen and out again, feel your tummy rise and fall with your fingers. Continue deep breathing and relax for as long as possible.
Exercise 4 – Whole Body Stretch & Relax
Lie back on mat or bed, legs slightly apart, knees bent and arms at your sides. Close eyes and breathe deeply into your tummy. Slowly sweep your right arm out to side, back and take up behind your head. Repeat with left arm and leave both arms up behind head. Now stretch out first your right arm, stretching through shoulder, chest, and your fingertips. Hold for 5 secs, relax it but leave arm up. Repeat with left arm and leave both arms flopped behind head. Now straighten and stretch out your right leg through knee to toes. Hold for 5 seconds, relax and let leg flop. Repeat with left leg. Now – finally, stretch out both arms, legs and your entire body all at the same time. Hold for 5 seconds, release and relax. Lie limp and let your mind and your body float!