Will The Clock Change Affect Your Sleep Pattern?

How to adjust and #wakeupready on Monday morning
The Spring clock change marks the start of longer, lighter evenings and the official beginning of British Summer Time. However, it can also bring a less welcome shorter night’s sleep. Whilst only an hour, this alteration in our sleeping pattern may still have an impact and throw your body clock off kilter for a few days.
The clock change means an unexpected shift in the external cues which help our internal body clock to maintain a 24-hour circadian rhythm track, such as light, temperature, exercise and food/drink intake. It can take several days for our internal biological clock to adjust, and for some people, this leads to disrupted sleep and feeling tired during the day.
If you’re struggling to get to sleep following the clock change, try not to worry as this can just exacerbate the problem. Instead try these handy tips before bedtime to get a good night’s sleep and #wakeupready:
- Schedule in an early night the evening of the clock change in preparation for an earlier wake up time.
- Exercise during the day to help prepare your body for a better night’s sleep. Remember to avoid exercising later in the day to avoid over-stimulation close to bedtime.
- Avoid alcohol and caffeine, and opt for a warm milky drink instead in the evening.
- Take a warm bath – sleep is normally preceded by a slight drop in body temperature, so taking a warm bath will raise your body temperature, with the following cooling down period helping your body prepare for sleep.
- Try a traditional herbal remedy. Valerian root extract has been used for centuries as a trusted sleep aid due to its herbal sedative effect. This soothing ingredient can be found in Kalms Night tablets (kalmsrange.com), used to relieve sleeplessness. Drift off to sleep peacefully and #WakeUpReady to face the day. Unlike some sleep remedies, Kalms Night won’t leave you feeling drowsy the next day.
Kalms Night tablets are available to purchase online at www.kalmsrange.com and supermarkets and pharmacies nationwide. Kalms Night RRP: £5.30 for 50 tablets, Kalms One-A-Night RRP £5.63 for 21 tablets.