Simnel Cake – Bake Ahead For Easter

Whether you’re baking for friends and family or just for fun, this is a splendid, traditional Simnel cake recipe packed with dried fruit, aromatic spices and sweet, nutty marzipan.
The long Easter weekend simply wouldn’t be the same without it. In fact, the flavour of this cake improves every day!
- Preheat the oven to 140°C / gas mark 1. Line a 20cm springform pan with baking paper and grease the sides.
- Roll out the marzipan into two discs, around 5mm thick and 20cm diameter.
- Soak the sultanas, raisins, currants and cherries in the Drambuie or orange juice.
- Stir the butter and icing sugar together until smooth then add the beaten eggs.
- In a separate bowl mix the flour, spice, baking powder, lemon and orange zest together then add the butter, icing sugar and egg mixture. Add the soaked fruit.
- Place half the mixture into the springform pan and cover with one of the marzipan discs. Spread the second half of the mixture on top.
- Bake on a middle shelf for approx 2 hours. If necessary, place baking paper on top of the cake so that the top doesn’t burn.
- Take the cake out of the oven and allow to cool before removing from the tin.
- Heat the apricot jam with a little water and cover the entire cake using a pastry brush.
- Lay the second disc of marzipan on top of the cake. Make 11 marzipan balls and position equidistantly round the cake to symbolise the 11 Apostles. Tthe 12th is missing as he betrayed Jesus!
- Heat the grill to high. Place the cake on a baking tray and grill for 2min or until the top of the marzipan begins to brown.
The Premium Classic Zester includes Microplane’s long-lasting, photo-etched stainless-steel blades, which behave like sharp knives to cut ingredients with precision rather than tearing. Perfect for preparing citrus fruit, hard cheese, chocolate, ginger, garlic, spices and much more. mThe Microplane® Premium Classic Zester, RRP £19.95, is available here and from independent cookshops nationwide.