Want To Give Your Memory A Boost? We Can Help!

By Sarah Flower, Nutritionist for Tiana
With so many distractions keeping our minds constantly occupied, including phones, TV, and the internet, it’s no wonder we feel we are losing our minds. In addition to this, our diets are increasingly falling short in providing the essential nutrients needed for optimum brain health, and we are becoming reliant on refined sugars, and heavily processed foods exposing us to more oxidative stress and inflammation.
A key supplement to help maintain brain memory is the newly launched TIANA’s memory oil, available to buy here: https://www.tiana-coconut.com/tiana-memory-oil
According to The World Health Organisation there was an estimated 50 million people worldwide suffering from dementia, with approximately 850,000 living with dementia in the UK and 5.5million in the USA. This number is expected to rise to an unbelievable 152 million by 2050, 2 million of which will be in the UK. Some experts are calling Alzheimer’s the new type 3 diabetes due to a suggested link with sugar and insulin resistance.
Here are Sarah’s top tips to improve memory and brain health:
1 MAINTAIN YOUR BRAIN with TIANA ADVANCED FORMULA MEMORY OIL®. Take a teaspoon a day to maintain your brain memory
Supported by extensive scientific research, TIANA Advanced Formula Memory Oil® contains pioneering trademarked Memory Activation Complex™ and 100% natural highly concentrated powerful brain-boosting bioactive ingredients to activate memory and maintain cognitive ability by reducing oxidative stress and inflammation in the brain cells – one of the main causes of memory deterioration in conjunction with a busy, stressful lifestyle and lack of cognitive stimulation. It is helpful for diabetics and people with mild memory impairment as well.
2 Don’t underestimate the value of a good night’s sleep
Sleep is not only essential for our general wellbeing, but also vital for our brain health. Long-term sleep deprivation can cause irreparable damage to brain cells, not to mention low mood, so it is important to ensure you get at least eight hours of sleep to ensure you experience a full sleep cycle. Lack of sleep also increases your stress levels, raises blood sugar, increases your cravings and can lead to an increase in weight. If you have had a bad night, you can boost your energy levels as well as fight fatigue and tiredness by taking the powerful 100% Pure MCT Energy by Tiana (£17.99 from www.tiana-coconut.com). This oil gives you the boost of energy much needed after a poor night’s sleep and can also help improve your memory.
3 Think straight with Ginseng
In Chinese medicine, Ginseng is hailed as an all-healing herb, and has been recorded to help with cognitive function, memory, energy levels, and mood – perfect for supplementing our busy lives! It has also been used to great effect in studies to help patients suffering with Alzheimer’s and ADHD.
4 Up Your Omega 3
Omega 3 plays a key role in our overall health as well as behaviour, joints and cognitive function. They have also been shown to help regenerate brain cells that have been damaged by high sugar diets. High levels of EPA and DHA can reduce brain shrinkage and support hippocampal function, the area of the brain associated with memory. DHA is also known to work in tandem with vitamin D to support the immune cells in breaking down amyloid plaques and inflammation associated with Alzheimer’s. It has also been shown to improve memory, cognitive function and reduce brain atrophy. To make sure you’re getting adequate amounts, I recommend Tiana Advanced Formula Memory Oil (£18.75 from www.tiana-cocomut.com), made with vegan friendly Algae Chlorella, This oil is not only easy to take, it also contains the vital Omega 3 DHA. It also has turmerone and curcumin (great for inflammation, focus and concentration) as well as Coenzyme Q10, essential for heart health as well as energy, Alfa Lipoic Acid, for energy and prevents oxidative stress and Vitamin D3, which boosts the immune system, brain health, reduces blood pressure and can prevent inflammation.
5 Take a chill pill
Many of us experience brain fog and a dip in concentration as we are constantly on the go and trying to multitask. It is important to dedicate some ‘down time’ in your busy schedule, simply to relax and turn your thoughts off. Try to dedicate, at the very least, 15 minutes a day to this. In fact, meditation has been shown to have a positive effect on the brain, combating depression and anxiety, reducing stress, increasing your sense of well-being, helping you concentrate and most surprisingly of all, can increase your grey matter volume .
6 Load up on ‘Super’ Nutrients
Magnesium is the giant in nutrients, as it is used in almost every process in the body. Neurotransmitters in the brain use magnesium in order to stimulate and regulate electrical activity. This super nutrient can also help protect brain cells from the damage caused by poor diet, agrochemicals, heavy metals and toxins from cleaning products. Zinc is a vital nutrient for brain health and is found to be deficient in many with mental health problems, autism, depression and even anorexia. An easy way to up your zinc intake is by consuming foods such as pumpkin seeds, spinach, wheat germ, and fish. As well as boosting the immune system, vitamin C plays a crucial role in brain function and development. It has also been shown to help improve mood due to its involvement in the production of norepinephrine and serotonin and was noted to improve the mood in acutely hospitalised patients. The family of B vitamin, including B1, B6, B12 and B4, can all enhance memory, concentration, and even help ease stress. Vitamin B3 and Folic acid can also help with depression. A diet rich in wholegrains, green leafy vegetables, meat, fish and dairy products will give you a broad range of B vitamins.
7 Train your brain
Just like your muscles need a workout, your brain needs to be stretched regularly too to prevent cognitive decline. Simple things like crossword puzzles and problem solving can really enhance our memory and cognitive function. Studies have shown that those who regularly use games, puzzles, crafts, computer use and increase their social activities have a lower risk of mild cognitive impairment. Boost your brain power further by adding Omega 3 MCT oil to your daily routine. Omega 3 MCT energy combines the power of omega 3 essential fatty acids with the memory boosting, energy promoting and fat burning qualities of MCT oil with this amazing oil from Tiana. Omega 3 MCT Energy contains 100% pure MCT oil made from organic extra virgin coconut oil, combined with vegan omega 3 ALA.
8 Keep Active
We know the associations of being active with a healthy heart, bone density and maintaining a healthy weight, but did you know maintaining good physical activity as you age can also help to keep your brain health in peak condition? Studies show exercise can help with depression and anxiety but can also increase our cognitive function.
9 A Healthy balanced diet will go a long way
Diet has a dramatic impact on how we function as well as our overall health. A diet rich in processed foods, sugars and refined carbohydrates causes insulin fluctuations, increases our toxic load and creates an inflamed body. This all has a negative impact on our brain health, and can impair our concentration levels, cognitive function, behaviour, and mood. Various studies have demonstrated that an intake of Trans or hydrogenated fats from processed foods were linked to poor performance and cognitive function. Opting for a diet of real food, packed with nutrients and antioxidants, whilst avoiding processed and sugary foods is the best way to maintain good health.