5 Ways To Go Greener Today

With environmental issues very much at the forefront of the headlines – a new poll shows 85% of Britons are now concerned about climate change – it’s natural to think, “What can I do to help?”
Protesting with Extinction Rebellion may not be for everyone, but it’s easier than you think to make small changes that will benefit everyone. Try these 5 tips from ethical chocolate manufacturer Ombar:
Bring your own cup to coffee shops
Here’s one for all the commuters, busy mums and anyone who needs that caffeine boost to feel a bit more alive in a morning. Why not invest in a funky re-usable cup to take to the coffee shop?
Not only does this mean the shop will be using fewer disposable cups and less material (and so reducing factory production), a number of companies will give you a small discount for bringing your own cup. It’s a win-win!
Take showers instead of baths
In the cold weather it’s doubly tempting to take a long, steamy bubble bath. How about a long, steamy shower instead? This will use considerably less water and you’ll emerge feeling just as fresh – and a lot more virtuous.
Don’t use the mini plastic bags in the supermarket
It’s good to buy more veg – and even better to choose loose spuds or apples, rather than pre-packed. So take the final step and say no to the flimsy plastic bags supplied to put them in! Sainsbury’s is one supermarket that now offers small re-usable net bags for sale at around 30p. Of course, if you’re only buying two or three grapefruit or sweet potatoes, you really don’t need to bag them at all…
Look for compostable packaging
Keep an eye open for products in compostable packaging. Not to be confused with recyclable wrapping, compostable packaging can actually be thrown in with your food waste. There it will biodegrade down to nothing! Why not try Coco Mylk Vegan Chocolate Buttons from Ombar (£1.90 from Ocado)? The company pride themselves not only on the delicious, rich, creamy taste but also the fact that their packaging is fully compostable. All their products are 100% vegan too!
Re-use, re-use, re-use
Our single use culture has made it the norm to throw things away without a second thought. But just think about how many of these items you can re-use. An empty jam jar can hold your overnight oats, a takeaway tub can be used to take your lunch into work or to freeze leftovers. Get creative! You’ll be surprised how many things you can use again.
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