How To Make The Most Of Your Sleep Over The Festive Season

By Silentnight’s sleep expert, Dr Nerina Ramlakhan.
Get the basics right
First of all – make sure you get the essentials right. This means eating properly, staying well hydrated, getting enough exercise, and avoiding excessive alcohol and refined sugar. It’s also a good idea to take multivitamins throughout the season to ensure your immune system remains robust.
Remember it’s OK to say ‘no’
We all know December can be a hectic month for parties, but I think it’s important to try and avoid over-booking and over-committing yourself. Ask yourself ‘do I really want or have to go to this event?’
Constantly telling yourself ‘I must do this’ and ‘I should do that’ is draining – remember that you can’t possibly do everything.
Get some fresh air
Get out into nature and aim to have as much exposure to natural daylight, fresh air and sunlight as possible. This will keep your nervous system in balance and optimise melatonin production.
Christmas is a great time for a wintery walk with the family, and even just 20 minutes of exposure to sunshine is enough to boost your vitamin D levels and your mood.
Reduce time with technology
Try to maintain a healthy balance with technology. Constantly posting about what you’re up to during the festive season might boost your mood for a short while but it is bound to disrupt your sleep in the long term.
Have a nap
There’s nothing worse than feeling run down when everyone else is full of festive cheer. So if you’re feeling off-colour, try napping for 5-20 minutes at some point between 2 and 4pm. This is the best time to take a daytime nap, and can help to reboot your immune system.
Buy some essential oils
Using aromatherapy oils in your bedroom, such as lavender and eucalyptus, can really help optimise your sleep. Orange oil is also really useful during the festive season, as not only does it have a warming Christmassy scent, but it will also give you a much-needed boost if your energy levels are flagging.