Summer Heatwave Driving Tips

Did you know that sun glare accounted for over 2000 accidents in the latest Government Road Casualties statistics? But everything from heatstroke to sunburn or a lack of water can increase the risk of a drowsy driver, leading to increased risk of an accident. That’s why insurethebox, the global pioneer of telematics-based car insurance, is helping drivers stay safe this summer with top tips.
Driving in hot weather can be uncomfortable with added risks, such as hay fever and heat stroke causing drowsiness and irritability amongst drivers and passengers. And these factors can significantly increase the risk of an accident, too, as Simon Rewell, Road Safety Manager at insurethebox, explains: “We think of winter as the most risky season for motorists, but it’s easy to overlook the summer hazards. We’re therefore offering drivers top tips on staying cool on the road and staying safe.
“With 1 in 5 people suffering from hay fever in the UK, medicating for the condition could have side effects, such as blurred vision or even drowsiness. As the mercury rises, there’s also the risk of heat stroke, leading to a pounding headache. So it’s important to keep the car as cool as possible and sip on water all day to stay hydrated. Even practical things, such as avoiding glare by keeping your windscreen clean and keeping sunglasses in the car, can help to prevent accidents in the summer.”
insurethebox summer heatwave driving tips
- Keep the car cool by parking in the shade.
- Open doors and windows or run the air-con when you first get in, to avoid the worst of the heat.
- Stay hydrated. Keep a bottle of water in the car for long journeys or just in case of traffic jams in the sun.
- Avoid heatstroke or heat exhaustion by staying cool, hydrated and not sitting in the sun, especially if you have a long journey ahead of you.
- Check your hay fever drugs. Don’t assume you can drive on over-the-counter medications. Read the label before taking tablets or sprays, if you’re driving.
- Don’t leave your pets in the car. It’s not safe to leave pets in the car on hot summer days. Even with the windows open, a car still gets extremely hot, which can lead to tragic consequences for pets and their owners.
- Guard against glare. Being dazzled is a common cause of accidents during the summer. A clean windscreen, helped by sunglasses and sun visors help to reduce the risk by keeping the sun out of your eyes.
- Look out for other road users. The summer weather brings out cyclists, caravans, tractors, horse rider and walkers, so check your speed, especially on country lanes and avoid risky overtaking.
- Prepare for weather changes. The Great British summer is quick to change, so watch out for thunder storms and the risk of flash flooding.