The Wildlife Trusts’ Big Wild Weekend Returns

Take part in a weekend of events during the Wildlife Trusts’ record-breaking 30 Days Wild campaign…
Watch puffins from a scenic cliff-top in Yorkshire, learn to photograph wildflower meadows in Wales or dance in the sunshine at Derbyshire’s Wildside festival! Wildlife Trusts across the UK are offering a huge range of nature-tastic events during this year’s Big Wild Weekend, which runs from June 15-16, 2019.
This special weekend marks the middle of 30 Days Wild, The Wildlife Trusts’ annual nature challenge that dares people to do something wild every day in June. This year is a record-breaker with an estimated half a million people taking part.
What’s On
Get out and about during the Big Wild Weekend and join local Wildlife Trust guides and volunteers at over 50 events who will help you find bugs and minibeasts in meadows and ponds, identify birds, bats and butterflies or help you spot a red squirrel.
The Wildlife Trusts’ spokesperson, Leanne Manchester said,
Across the country, half a million people are doing Random Acts of Wildness for 30 Days Wild throughout June. The Big Wild Weekend is a fantastic opportunity for people to enjoy even more activities in some of the UK’s best wild havens.
“There’s a fabulous range of fun-filled activities on offer this weekend and we look forward to welcoming everyone. June is a great month to go wild and you’ll find our beautiful nature reserves and greenspaces in towns, the countryside and along coastlines, they’re awash with colour and buzzing with life. Come and explore with us!”