Ice Cream Daze

Do you have a favourite flavour of ice cream? Share it with your loved ones on #worldicecreamday
The recently announced World Ice Cream Day, launched by the brand Cream & Country, has deep roots in British history. Stemming from King Charles II’s exile in France, where he first tasted ice cream, he decided to bring the concept back to Britain. It was a decade after his return when the first recorded serving of ice cream in Britain took place in 1671, during a feast of St George which was hosted by King Charles II in Windsor Castle.
In honour of this first recorded serving in Britain, Cream & Country have declared April 23 to be World Ice Cream Day! The managing director of Cream and Country, Karen Green commented,
We feel that the world should celebrate ice cream in all its glory and as St George’s Day falls on 23rd of April, this seems to be the most appropriate and historic day for us to celebrate ice cream!
Cream & Country sponsor charities within Britain. One of them is the Royal Hospital Chelsea, established by King Charles II. Karen declared, “At Cream and Country, we are proud sponsors of the Chelsea Pensioners and The Royal Hospital Chelsea, donating 10% of our profits to their appeal. We have a number of exciting events planned for the day, not least the launch of our Scarlet ripple ice cream from which we will be donating 5p per pot sold to the Scarlet Appeal.”
A day of fun
If you’d like to join in with world ice cream day, use #worldicecreamday and celebrate the treat everyone loves – ice cream!
Country & Cream ice creams are 100% natural and gluten free, using only British milk and cream for their products. To find your local stockist, visit