Choose To Be Happy!

International Happiness Day, March 20, is an exciting opportunity for people from all over the world to celebrate being happy!
The United Nations Conference on Happiness, held in 2012, declared March 20 as the day to celebrate happiness. Since 2013, each year thousands of people gather together and celebrate this day, by promoting happiness, mental health, self-love and exercise.
Boost Your “Happy Chemicals”
It is well known that exercise and a healthy balanced diet can work miracles on your physical and mental health. There are other ways in which you can boost and trigger the “happy chemicals” in the brain. Good exercise and fresh air is proven to consistently reduce stress and anxiety levels, whilst increasing the release of endorphins.
Mood Enhancers
Endorphins bring a feeling of euphoria and can cancel out any discomfort resulting from the intense exercise. They also ease the effects of physical efforts in training. Physical activity does not simply help minimize stress levels, it has a beneficial effect on memory and the brain, too. These two elements combined are mood enhancers which make it easier to be happy. Exercise alone, however, is not enough in this fast paced society.
A good diet, activities such as long walks, reading, listening to soft melodies help to induce a calming effect and ease the mind and body from any stress. Did you know having a pet has been proven to reduce anxiety and depression in individuals who suffer from high stress levels and mental illnesses? These are just a few of the many things that might help decrease your stress level, but remember that what works for one person might not work for another.
The International Happiness Day is a great opportunity to promote physical and mental health awareness all over the world, as well as a chance to spend time with loved ones. Everyone has the right to choose to be happy and enjoy life to the full.