Sleeptember | The Top 10 Reasons Brits Are Kept Up At Night

High anxiety levels, the stresses of family life and snoring partners are among the top ten things which are keeping Brits awake, according to research from Bensons for Beds.
Bensons for Beds has conducted a sleep wellness survey which took an in-depth look at the nation’s sleep habits and revealed the true extent of Brits’ sporadic sleep patterns.
Top 10 things keeping Brits up at night:
1. Anxiety
2. Family stress
3. Physical pain
4. Work stress
5. Sleep environment (eg light, temperature)
6. Partner snoring
7. Depression
8. Poor routine
9. Insomnia
10. Sleep during the day
Stephanie Romiszewski, Sleep Physiologist at the Sleepyhead Clinic commented: “It’s so important that we do what we can during the day to look after our minds and bodies, it directly impacts the quality of our sleep.
Winding down before bed in the right way is important – but it’s less about what you do, and more about making sure what you’re doing is making you content, relaxed and happy! See it as your ‘you’ time.
Remember a regular wake up time is very important, but dictating your bedtime when your body isn’t ready will only exacerbate stress and anxiety and therefore, no sleep.”
Harveys Chief Customer Officer, Henry Swift added: “It is important to make sure you have the right mattress, bedding and pillows to help you sleep soundly and combat the stresses of your day.”
“Everyone is different and everyone sleeps differently so it’s important to find the right products for you.
We always recommend speaking to an expert such as one of our team members in store who can guide you through our wide range of products; from our exclusive iGel mattresses with temperature regulating technology, to our range of sleek and stylish bed frames.
With something for everyone, we pride ourselves on helping our customers get the best night’s sleep they can.”
The study of 2,500 adults found that over a quarter of Brits nearly always sleep poorly, with three in ten claiming that work stress was leaving them tossing and turning at night.
A quarter of adults said their partner’s snoring is leaving them exhausted and 25% said feeling depressed was stopping them from sleeping soundly.
The findings also delved in to the behaviour of adults in the hour before they went to bed and revealed that one in ten drink caffeinated drinks, whilst 67 per cent watch TV.