Sleeptember | Improve Your Sleep Experience

Here are five simple ways to synch-in with your body clock, to help you drift off quickly, improve sleep quality and wake-up feeling fully-charged to win the day.
1) Bedroom Yoga
Many studies have reported that regular Yoga can reduce the time it takes to fall asleep, decrease sleep disturbances and increase its quality.
One key reason for Yoga’s long-term sleep-inducing effects is the toning of the vagus nerve, which helps to calm the subconscious nervous system, reduces stress levels and promotes feelings of wellbeing. One particularly effective Yoga pose to aid sleep, is the Plow Pose – give it a go!
2) Take Darkness Seriously
Anyone who has ventured abroad and slept in a bedroom with traditionally shuttered windows, can testify to the surreal feeling of darkness and the exquisite sleep that tends to follow. While ‘getting away from it all’ may have something to do with it, invariably, so does the darkness. Science links a lack of bedroom darkness with many acute and chronic health problems – so it’s something to take seriously.
3) Read a book
While your ritual of watching back-to-back episodes of Vikings on Netflix may seem to help you fall asleep on the sofa, opting for Game of Thrones on audio or print may be a better option for high-quality shut eye.
The blue light emitted from the television can interfere with melatonin release, making your sleep less effective. In contrast, audio books can be listened to darkness, taking you into a dream state that’s rich in melatonin. Sit back by candle light, with a cup of relaxing herbal tea and enjoy a few chapters of some perfect pre-sleep books.
4) Have a quick bite to eat
Research suggests that a light, pre-sleep snack (typically around 60 minutes pre-bed) containing a serving of carbohydrates, some protein and a little healthy fat such as omega-3 can positively affect sleep patterns and may offer benefits including better cardiovascular health.
5) Have a chat
The paradox for insomniacs is that the harder they focus on trying to get to sleep – the wider awake they seem to become! One excellent method of inducing natural sleepiness is to get a good dose of positive social interaction.
Positive social interaction is strongly correlated with long-term health, and its influence on sleep is a big reason why.
Make the tips above habits and you’ll start becoming more in-sync with your natural body clock – leading to noticeably better sleep, particularly when used alongside an effective pre-sleep supplement.