How Do You De-stress And Relax?

Stress. It’s a modern day evil which for many has become an accepted and expected part of our lives today. The pressures of work, relationships and money can take their toll on your mental and emotional health. In fact, it is estimated that 12.5 million working days are lost in the UK alone due to work related stress, anxiety or depression.
Stress affects people differently – some stress is normal and even useful, but too much stress can be linked to headaches, heartburn and indigestion, as well as affecting your ability to sleep.
So what’s the antidote? In search of a solution and to support World Digestive Health Day on 29th May 2018, the makers of Rennie, the UK’s number 1 heartburn and indigestion tablet, have scoured the world to find out how people from different countries and cultures de-stress.
From the Russians who choose to sweat it out in a hot sauna, the Brazilians who perform Capoeira, a form of martial arts, the Malaysians who opt for a fishy foot massage through to the Greeks who turn to a mid-afternoon nap, it provides an illuminating international picture of drumming, dancing, snoozing, boozing, eating, chilling, sweating and meditating. Perhaps time for us “walking” Brits to extend our de-stress repertoire!