5 Signs You Could Have Diabetes

According to the Diabetes and Wellness Foundation, there are currently 3.8 million people with diabetes in the UK and it is estimated that a further 500,000 adults have the disease but don’t know it. In addition, for every 10 people that have diabetes, 90% have Type 2, which in many cases can be prevented. Nutritionist and Fitness Instructor Cassandra Barns lists 5 signs that indicate you could have high blood sugar.
“It’s important to say that none of these individual signs mean you definitely have high blood sugar, but they are indications that it’s worth seeing your doctor, who will run some tests if necessary,” explains Cassandra.
There are currently 3.8 million people with diabetes in the UK and it is estimated that a further 500,000 adults have the disease but don’t know it
1 Feeling Tired
“Of course, feeling tired can have many causes! But it can be an indication that your body is not efficiently taking glucose (sugar) into your cells to use for energy, meaning your blood sugar stays high.”
2 Feeling Unusually Thirsty
“When your blood sugar levels are high, water is pulled out of your cells into your bloodstream to dilute the sugar. So you may feel very thirsty even if you’re drinking plenty of water… and may have to pee a lot. “
3 Feeling Very Hungry – Even If You’ve Just Eaten
“Just like tiredness signals, you’ll get hunger signals if glucose is staying in the blood and not being taken into your cells. Your body thinks it’s because you haven’t eaten!”
4 A “Spare Tyre”
“Weight gain around the abdomen is an indication that your blood sugar levels could be high and is a risk factor for type 2 diabetes.”
5 Thrush
“High blood sugar levels can change the bacterial balance in vaginal fluids and encourage the growth of candida, leading to thrush.”
Improve your mindfulness to help your health!
Maija Kivelä, Yoga instructor at the new holistic wellness boutique, Maître of Thyme explains, “Yoga can increase your mindfulness and, as a result, individuals will become more aware of what they are eating and make better eating choices. Yoga helps with increased flexibility and muscle strength, improved respiration, energy and vitality, maintaining a healthy metabolism, weight management and cardio and circulatory health. I really hope that my classes will not only support physical and mental strength but also perfect students’ postures, make them happier and help them to follow a healthier lifestyle.”
Pre-diabetic? Regulate your blood sugar the natural way
“Alongside making healthy diet and lifestyle changes, we can look to herbs and plant extracts to support balanced blood sugar levels too. CuraLin is a specially formulated dietary supplement containing ten herbs and plant extracts traditionally used to support insulin sensitivity and help keep blood glucose under control. If you’re being treated for type 2 diabetes, however, always consult your doctor before changing your diet or exercise or starting a supplement.”
Find out more about type-2 diabetes . . .