Worried About Bad Breath?

Over 21 Million Brits are worried about bad breath
New research from the teeth whitening brand White Glo reveals how the dreaded fear of having bad breath haunts over 21 million Brits, with 20% relying on mints and chewing gum to mask post morning coffee breath.
However, the research also exposes less than half of adults in the UK (48%) are giving their teeth the recommended twice daily brush.
While common food and drink culprits are often to blame, it is evident that British dental hygiene is causing unnecessary daily worries for a third of the population (32%).
James Buchannan, White Glo’s dental expert explains, “While trapped food particles can contribute to bad breath, the most common cause is the build-up of plaque on teeth. The research clearly shows not enough people are keeping up the required oral health routines to avoid bad breath. Brushing your teeth twice a day should be the first step to reduce the worry of bad breath, but there are a few other things you can do to keep your mind at ease throughout the day.”
Firstly, start the day with a glass of water to wash away bad bacteria and reduce dry mouth, which causes bad breath. Staying hydrated throughout the day will keep bad breath under control.
Follow a glass of water with a high fibre breakfast. Skipping the first meal of the day means saliva isn’t produced, causing the mouth to dry out. Choose high fibre foods such as fruit to increase saliva production. Add yoghurt to further neutralise bacteria and counteract bad odours.
The next recommendation is to opt for a morning mouthwash without alcohol, as alcohol significantly dries the mouth out.
Snacking on celery sticks, carrots and apples also increase saliva, which reduces dry mouth and washes away odour causing particles.
After dinner mints are a popular way to expel bad breath, however, the bacteria in the mouth uses sugar to make acid. The acid wears teeth down and leads to bad breath, so it’s best to stick to a sugar-free gum instead.
Using a soft bristle toothbrush will also prevent teeth from being worn down. Hard toothbrushes tend to damage the enamel, which can eventually lead to tooth decay and bad breath.
James continues, “These tips should be used in conjunction with a good brushing routine. Make sure you change your toothbrush every month to avoid spreading bad bacteria around your mouth. For even better results try a charcoal toothpaste like White Glo’s deep stain remover, which strips bacteria from your mouth and fights bad breath at the same time.”
For the millions of Brits who fear they have bad breath, these simple tips from the dentist should ensure a worry-free smile.
To find out more about looking after your teeth go to White Glo . . .