Top Tips For A Great Night’s Sleep

The National Sleep Foundation is aiming to raise awareness of the importance of getting a good night’s sleep. The recommended amount of sleep for an adult is 7-9 hours, and having too little can result in physical and mental health issues.
But achieving this amount of time in the land of nod is not always that easy – a fact highlighted by The Sleep Council in their report which found that 40% of Brits get under the recommended amount of sleep.
Hectic lifestyles, worries and stresses are tough enough to deal with but for people who suffer from pain, getting a good night’s sleep can be little more than a pipe dream.
Here, ActiPatch®, makers of a drug-free wearable device which can combat pain through electromagnetic pulse therapy, give their top five tips on achieving A+ zzzs.
Sleep tips:
- Eat petite! Having a big meal before bed is a great way of guaranteeing indigestion, bloating and discomfort in bed. Instead, keep your evening meal light and consume it at least 3 hours before you turn in.
- Check your meds. If you’re on medication and finding it difficult to drop off, consult your doctor as to whether they could be the root of the problem. Try a drug-free alternative where possible. ActiPatch® can be used for back, knee, muscle and joint pain, as well as conditions such as arthritis, sciatica and fibromyalgia. In a survey of over 5000 participants, 70% who trialled the device reported improved sleep as a result.
- Become a creature of habit. Going to bed at the same time each night and waking up at the same time each morning will help your body get its clock into gear, which should in turn help you achieve better quality sleep.
- Think before you drink. If you head to bed with a bucket of tea maybe it’s time to rethink the habit. Drinking vast amounts of liquid just before bedtime could mean you’re up and down all night visiting the toilet, which has a disturbing effect on your sleep. While a nightcap now and again is fine, upping your alcoholic intake just to help you nod off is not a good habit to get into as it could lead to further health issues.
- Swap 40 winks for 40 minutes’ exercise. Napping during the day can lead to difficulties sleeping at night. If you feel yourself drifting off in the armchair, get up and go for a walk in the fresh air.
We’ve some great advice on relaxation and beating stress, too!